

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Bermula 02 Mei 2013, Kedai Hitam Putih tidak lagi menjalankan urusan perniagaan di premis  yang beralamat  Arap Trading, S/3, 202 Jalan Merbau (berdekatan Pasar Kubang Pasu) 15300, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Kedai Hitam Putih akan berurusan secara online & C.O.D (sekitar Kota Bharu shj) Sila sms/call kami utk order.

Kedai Hitam Putih akan bergerak secara mobile. Segala urusan jual beli bagi sekitar Kota Bharu, barangan akan dihantar secara terus (by hand) kepada anda

Bagi yang berada di luar Kota Bharu, Kelantan, barangan yang diorder akan dipos ke alamat anda

Anda boleh datang ke Medan Ilmu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan setiap pagi Jumaat utk membeli barangan kami secara terus.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Buku: Neo Imperialisme Amerika Serikat

Buku: Neo Imperialisme Amerika Serikat

Penulis: Noam Chomsky

Penerjemah: Eko Prasetyo Darmawan

Terbitan: resistbook

Harga: RM 28

Halaman: 235 muka surat

Daftar Isi:

Kata Pengantar Penerbit
Bab 1
Pendidikan dan Demokrasi

Bab 2
Keterampilan Rakayasa Sejarah

Bab 3
Demokrasi Pasar di Tengah Tatanan Neoliberal: Doktrin dan Realitas

Buku: Kaum Miskin Bersatulah!

Buku: Kaum Miskin Bersatulah!

Penulis: Eko Prasetyo

Terbitan: resistbook

Harga: RM 18

Halaman: 218 muka surat

Daftar Isi:


Orang Miskin Ditindas Sepanjang Sejarah
Kemiskinan yang Disandera
Jangan Biarkan Orang Miskin Melawan
Waktunya Kaum Miskin Bersatu!
Jalan Kaum Miskin! Bergerak dan Melawan

Monday, April 15, 2013

cd nastia

cd nastia


Harga: RM 10



Friday, April 5, 2013

Buku: Patani. Behind the Accidental Border. The Search for Elusive Peace

Buku: Patani. Behind the Accidental Border. The Search for Elusive Peace

Penulis: KijangMas Perkasa

Harga: RM 189

Muka surat: 250 halaman


i. Prologue
ii. The Historical Context: 200-1400 AD

iii. A Half-Millennium of Nationhood: 1400-1902
- The “Metropolis of the Malaos”
-  The Patani-Ayutthaya Wars: Stemming the Siamese Transgressions
-  Phaya Taksin’s Push South
- The Chakri Invasion: Forestaste of Siamese Colonialism
- The Patani-Krung Thep Wars: Resistance to Siamese Vassalage
- Rebirth of a Malay Dynasty
- A Malay Kingdom is Lost: The Annexation

iv. The Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909

v. Aftermath of Annexation: 1909-1960
- Embryonic Resistance to Direct Siamese Rule
Thai Ratthaniyom: Erasure of the Patani Malay Race
-  Turmoil of the Second World War
-   Post-War Glimmer Hope for Emancipation
-  Haji Sulong’s Seven Point Demand
- Internationalization of the Patani Issue
-  The Thai Overkill and the End of Malay Moderation
- The Malayan Emergency: Another Roadblock to the Patani Cause

vi. The Patani Malay Resistance: 1960-2010
- Rise of resistance Movements
Barisan Nasional Pembebasan Patani (BNPP or Patani National Liberation Front)
Barisan Revolusi Nasional Melayu Patani (BRN or Patani Malay National Revolutionary Front)
Pasukan Ronda Kumpulan Kecil (RKK, literally “Small Patrol Groups’)
Pertubuhan Pembebasan Patani Bersatu (or Patani United Liberation Organisation, PULO)
Gerakan Mujahideen Islam Patani (GMIP or Muslim Mujahideen Movement of Patani)

- The CPM Factor: A Spanner in the Works
-  “.....Rebels Unite!
-  1990s Peace Talks
-  Money Talks....and Insurgents Walk

vii. Reigniting the Fire: Post-2004
- Stoking the Fire of Liberation
- Sebayu Market Murders and Gersik Mosque Massacre
- Breaching the Point of No Return
- Plague of the Ethnic-T’ai Buddhist Militias
- Colonialism Gone Mad: The Tak Bai Atrocity
- The National Reconciliation Commission: Opening the Patani Pandora’s Box
- Blacklist: Tickets to the Throes of Death
- Quest for Peace: Roadmap or Roadblock?
- The Juwae
- The Thai Security Forces: A Battlefield Report Card
- The Surayud Interlude
- Economic Battleground: The Chenak Gas Pipeline Fiasco
- A State of Impasse: A What Price

viii. Crossroads
- Patani Malay Tenacity
- Why The Patani Malays Will Not Become “Thais”
- Reality Check

ix. Towards Resolution
- Roadblocks to Conflict Resolution
Revisionist History
Erasure of “Malay” race and identity
Creation of a mythical Southern “Thai Muslim” community
The Thai state’s portrayal of the ongoing insurgency as Islamic-based
Religious-like taboo on any discourse on the roots of the Pattani Issue
Thai state’s non-compromising stance
Thai state’s low credibility with the Patani Malay populace
State sanctioned atrocities
Disunited Malay Liberation Groups

x. Strategic Prescriptions
- Logic Modules toward a Patani Solution
Logic Module 1: Forming the Contextual Framework
Logic Module 2: Setting the Realities
Logic Module 3: Driving the Solution Prescriptions via Reconciliation of Divergent Realities and Forging of Commonalities

 - Building Blocks of the Pattani Peace Initiative
Governing and Political Framework
Monitoring and Enforcement
Towards Final Solution

- Patani Self-Gorvernance?
- Malaysian Role in the Pattani Peace Initiative

xi. Way Forward

Buku: AKSI REAKSI 2 dokumentasi dum dum tak

Buku: AKSI REAKSI 2 dokumentasi dum dum tak

Penulis: Nizang

Terbitan: Alternatif Press

Harga: RM 15

Muka surat:  102 halaman.


Punk Rock di Mentakab
Bermulalah Perlawanan
Ayuh Kita Berdemonstrasi
Suara Kami
Tak Mahu Semua Itu
Kita Akan Tetap Bekerjasama
Dum Dum Tak Melanggar Todak
Suara Disekat, Kebebasan Diikat
Seperti Tiada Hati
Nyanyi Budaya Pembebasan
Wujudkan Idea Bukan Fesyen Semata
Struck A Nerve Tour in Paka
Ke Mana Arah Kita?
Kita Semua Sama Saja
Lirik Pilihan
Sedutan Temuramah Pilihan